Dulari Sc heme was launched on 26th January, 2013 with the declaration by the Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor, Andaman and Nicobar Islands and subsequently it was approved by Administration vide No. 34-66/2012-MPH (PF) dated 4th February, 2013.
As per the present scheme the girl child born on or after 26.01.2013 will be eligible to get the benefit under the scheme for birth incentives and the girl children who are below 13 years of age not registered under the Planned family scheme (old scheme) will also get the benefit of this scheme.
As per the scheme, the following benefits are given to the girl child whose parents are domicile of Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
Benefits at Birth
Institution deliver
` 8000/-
Home delivery
` 5000/-
Benefits on passing VIIIth Standard
` 5000/-
Benefits on passing Xth Std.
` 10000/-
Benefits on passing XIIth Std.
` 10000/-
Benefits on getting married at the age of 21 years
` 5000/-
Benefits on getting married after age of 25 years
` 10000/-
Cessation of Benefits
1. The benefits will be ceased if the parent or beneficiary provide a falls/concealing statement/certificate.
2. If the child gets married an early age i.e. before 21 years of age no further benefit will be given.
3. The girl becomes school dropout (for further benefits only given for education).
4. If the child dies due to any reason before attaining the required age of disbursal of incentive the DHS may pass an order to prematurely close the deposit and the amount may be applicable may be given to the parents.